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This Week Music From: Axecident,  Anxietia,  DixieFilth,  HeHimself,  Magg Dylan,  Plow,  and Misfortune Fades….
This week This week music from Mal Havock, Defending Cain, Saint Diablo, Akykosa, Amanita, Axcident and Dinosaurs in Paris….
This week music from Dinosaurs in Paris, 2 Screws Loose, A Beautiful Extinction, Cursor, Plow, 12 Sins and Night’s…
I got to reconnect with Stacey Niedentohl, co-owner of Hip Gypsy Emporium, author of ‘My Head knows…but My Heart…
Nasty Bob chats with David Lucas and Hans Kim on their upcoming tour. We discuss West Virginia, their dark…
This week music from The New Mutiny, 2 Screws Loose, New Music from DixieFilth, A Beautiful Extinction, Context, Cursor…
This week music from Old Man Jones, Tumbling Run Band, New music from Tubefreaks, Magg Dylan, The Milgram Protocol,…
This week featuring Defending Cain, HalfHeardVoices, Misfortune Fades, Nicholas Pare’ and the Jags an interview and music from Mawcore…
This week music from 12 Sins, 2 Screws Loose, A Beautiful Extinction, Amanita, Anxietia, Context and Cursor….
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